Wednesday, February 14, 2007


When I when to the market i notice alot of fruits. There were many different apples. There was a green apple that caught my attention.
Why was the color green?
Is there a speical way in growing this fruit?
When do you know this fruit is good to eat?
When can we grow this fruit? winter? spring...?
How long does it take to have a full grown green apple?
Are their any treatment to this fruit?
Is it industrialize?

I notice that every food product their is always a different company that sells it more or less. For example i saw a couple of orange juices. One was called orange juice and it cost 3.56 and the tropicana orange jucie cost 3.99. ANd whe i look in the back the tropicana wasnt much different from the Orange juice.
Why are these two same juices different prices?
Both is 100% orange juice.

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